皇冠体育app基金是我们的年度主要筹款活动,支持我们的最高优先事项-学术卓越, 教师 support, 体育运动, visual and performing arts, 金融援助, extracurricular experiences, school traditions, and so much more.

The Nightingale Fund impacts everything we do.

每年, the generosity of alumnae, 家庭, 朋友提供了重要的资源,让我们的学生和教师蓬勃发展. 我们社区的集体支持使我们学校的生活产生了有意义的变化, expanding what is possible within and beyond the blue doors. 你们的参与表明我们共同致力于捍卫我们的使命.

Where Your Contribution Goes

The Nightingale Fund plays a major role in everything we do.

The Nightingale Fund is the core of our day-to-day operations, 你的100%免税捐赠让每个学生都能接受皇冠体育app教育. 我们依靠礼物皇冠体育app基金提供即时和重要的资源,使我们的学生和教师蓬勃发展. The fund supports the school in the following areas:

Area of Greatest Need


Financial Assistance

Need-based assistance at Nightingale is comprehensive, 考虑学费以外的成本,并确保每个学生都能获得相同的教育经历.

Erika Hageman Robinson Majesty Fund

捐赠给这个有限的基金直接支持和加强了学校的多样性, 股本, and inclusion initiatives.

Nightingale by the Numbers

Nightingale Fund 2022-2023 by the Numbers


Nightingale Fund Donors




Match gifts, raising an additional $106,000


Your participation matters! 我们鼓励所有家庭每年都支持皇冠体育app基金. The collective generosity of alumnae, current parents, parents of alumnae, 爷爷奶奶, 教师, and friends allows our community to flourish.


年度捐款使我们能够超越并支持我们的最高优先事项:学术卓越, experiences beyond the blue doors, our incredible 教师, 健康, 体育运动, and so much more.

When Should I 给?

The Nightingale Fund runs annually from July 1 through June 30. Whether you contribute today or during a special giving day, 任何时候的任何数额的捐赠都将计入你每年对皇冠体育app基金的参与.

Your Gift in Action

Real Stories, Real Impact


Inspiring the Young Entrepreneur

With your support, 皇冠体育app的战略目标是为另类教学创造空间,这一目标在《皇冠体育app》这类课程中得以实现. Young entrepreneurs in Class XI & XII use the Business Model Canvas to develop business pitches, 在确定了他们想要解决的问题之后,创造一个明确的价值主张.

Varsity Swim Makes a Splash in Record-breaking Season

校泳队获得了2023年NYSAIS锦标赛的参赛资格,打破了皇冠体育app的记录. 从提供训练设备和运动设施到支持我们忠诚的教练, 你们的支持将继续支持我们所有的夜鹰运动员!

Traveling Through History

在第八班,一项正在进行的民权研究在阿拉巴马州的一次旅行中达到高潮. 学生们花了五天时间,结合他们的美国历史课程,追溯民权运动中变革者的脚步. 您的支持使我们的教师能够在我们的中学培养批判性思想家和富有同情心的公民.

Class II Builds New York City

Throughout the year, 第二班的社会研究课程侧重于纽约市的五个行政区, and this special event helps bring their curriculum to life. 低年级学生在纽约市的旅行可以更好地欣赏我们城市的文化融合.

Learning through Movement: 上学校 Dance Collective

Featuring original student-choreographed pieces, the US Dance Collective encourages students to collaborate, 承担风险, and move their bodies and minds in new, creative directions. Whether on stage or in the studio, 您的支持为各部门的学生提供了充分的机会来探索艺术途径和磨练自己的手艺.

Round Square Global and Cultural Competency

您的捐赠支持了我们对全球和文化竞争力的承诺. The classroom transcends the blue doors, 你们的支持为我们的学生提供了机会,让他们追随自己的好奇心,并在我们的墙外质疑环境. 通过这种方式,他们成为被授权的领导者、批判性思考者和自己生活的代理人. This fall, Ale H.P. 1926年,克莱尔. 25年,凯特·B. [25]米拉·S. '25, Stephanie A. 26岁,索菲·G. ’25和两名教员前往肯尼亚参加2023年的圆形广场会议.

Teaching and Learning for Nightingale's Second Century

超过100名社区成员通过蓝色的门来体验“重访课堂”," a special Centennial event. 这一天提供了一个独特的机会,参加各种课程,并有机会体验皇冠体育app的魔力. The Nightingale Fund allows us to adapt our curriculum, adjust to the needs of our students and community, and attract top 教师 and administrative leaders.

中学 Debate Promotes Listening and Resilience

皇冠体育app基金支持基础学术项目,如中学辩论. These self-motivated, 专门的辩手每个周期用两个充实期进行必要的研究, building their case, and participating in practice debates. We couldn't run this program, whose expenses include registration fees, 法官津贴, and 教师 compensation, without the support of our generous donors.


给 Online Now

The easiest way to donate to The Nightingale Fund. 点击下面的链接,填写我们的捐赠表格,并给予今天.

Other 给予的方式

Maximize Your Gift Through a Matching Gift Program

Double or triple your financial support to Nightingale! 看看下面的内容,或者问问你的雇主他们的配对礼物计划. 联系 giving@43nr.net if we can assist you in the process.


The Nightingale Fund Class Agent Committee

我们感谢我们班代理志愿者的热情和奉献. 皇冠体育app基金班级代理人每年在帮助我们实现财务和参与目标方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

Getting involved is easy and can be done from anywhere! For more information, contact Annual Giving Manager Megan Sanderville.

问题? Reach out to us at any time.